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About Us

Connecting others to Christ and community

New Harmony Baptist Church was organized in 1879. A small building was constructed on donated land and was used until 1956. That building held services until January 1973 when the entire facilities were destroyed by fire. A new building was dedicated in December 1973. In 1985 the fellowship hall was added to the facilities and in February 1993 the fellowship hall was destroyed by a tornado. In May of 1993 construction on a new fellowship Hall as well as an education wing began. In 2011 construction on a new sanctuary and educational addition was completed. NHBC's sanctuary can seat 500 people. NHBC also has a separate building that serves as the youth center.  

Our Beliefs

  • Jesus is the only means of salvation

  • Scripture is God's infallible word

  • We are imagers of God called to partner with Him in cultivating His Kingdom


NHBC upholds and adheres to the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 set forth by the Southern Baptist Convention.  For more information please click the link for the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.

The Gospel: Jesus died to pay for our sins. He was buried & rose from the grave defeating death. Only through faith in Him, we are forgiven of our sins & gain access to everlasting life within the presence of God.

                                                                                         -NHBC Youth



1 Corinthians 15:1-4

Romans 10:9

John 3:16-17

Ephesians 2:8-9

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Pastor Chad Morgan- (770) 862-5948

Church Phone - (770) 748-1676

Youth Minister Jake Addison - (770) 546-1001    

Chairman of the Deacons- Kevin Bush (770) 324-7097


951 Prior Station Rd

PO Box 871

Cedartown, GA 30125





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